Welcome to ReVidya's


Online Video Tutoring Platform

The right teacher for every student.

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Why ReVidya?

Become a part of something bigger


Become a better you! Learn from the best teachers.


Understand your child's aspirations and contribute to their success.


Get respect, make a difference and earn well!

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Our Story

We, at ReVidya, understand how deeply a good teacher can impact a student's life and want every student to have that meaningful experience. One’s learning should be personal and fulfilling, setting them up to take on the world with confidence while ensuring success. Our vision is to enable every child to unlock their learning potential by providing access to not only the best teachers but the right teachers for them.

Through our 'LIVE online video tutoring platform', we are trying to create a result-oriented & personalized learning atmosphere by involving students, teachers, and parents in the process

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Designed by Sarthak Aggarwal